Theme Song

Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.

-Charles Kettering

Photo Credit: Jérôme Chainay via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: Jérôme Chainay via Compfight cc

Happy New Year!

I’ve had a little extra time off from the day job recently, so I decided to start the year with something new – a video message. In the video I discuss a favorite theme song of mine plus some 2015 plans. Now, this is not a slick production or anything.  I don’t have that kind of equipment or know-how (yet?).  And please ignore the neighbor’s occasional fireworks explosion noise in the background.

I’m not a huge New Year’s resolutioner, but I do have some goals for 2015.  I talk about those in the video, and also have some challenges for you, dear readers.  Thanks for watching and reading.

To watch, click here or on the video below.



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